Discover The Hangover Remedy That Would Work Best For You

By Beryl Dalton

Many people like to have fun whenever they have some free time. They like to go out clubbing where they can able to enjoy taking some alcoholic beverages. While some may not agree with this being a fun activity these people do treasure getting drunk. Even with all the fun though, most people will hate the morning after due to the headaches and dizziness that they get to experience. Many will be found looking for a hangover remedy just to get over these feelings.

Actually, you can deal with the hangovers in two phases namely before and after attending the party where you could take alcoholic drinks in large quantities. Before heading to the party, it is good to drink a lot of water. This helps your body top remain dehydrated and reserve planet of water into the body. Your body should have plenty water reserve to dilute the alcoholic drinks you would take thereafter.

The foods that you eat need to be fatty so as to reduce the rate of alcohol absorption by your body. This is the reason why you find most people feeding on fried foods whenever they go out drinking. These tend to have a lot of fats that help in making sure that your body does not absorb the alcohol all at once.

Once you get to the party, you need to take your drinks in a certain manner if you do not want to experience nasty hangovers thereafter. Spacing the drinks is one of the things you need to do. This means that you should not take the next glass of alcohol immediately you are through with the other one. In fact, the best way to do this is having non-alcoholic drinks between the alcoholic drinks.

You should not go for the strong and more concentrated alcoholic drinks. It is a noble thing to take the lighter alcoholic drinks to effectively escape heavy hangovers afterwards. You could probably go for clear liquors and beer such as gin and vodka. If you are not used to drinking alcoholic drinks, it is good not to take large quantities of dark liquors like rum and whiskey. This ensures that you do not experience heavy hangovers after that.

Once you wake up in the morning, you may need to take replenishing drinks containing electrolytes that sports people take. You need to know that these drinks prevent biological processes that break down alcohol particles into lactic acid in the body. This is important since such processes hinder the production of electrolytes and glucose from the break down processes.

You may also consider tasting your bread in the morning. This ensures that carbon particles form on the surface of the bread and as such they help to make sure that some of the impurities of alcohol in your body are filtered away by the carbon particles. This is something that is very easy to do and one that helps make sure that you are back to form in no time.

Last and not the least, you can take soups such as the bouillon soup that is effective in restoring potassium and other salts in the body. Potassium is very vital in the functioning of your muscle and nervous systems. The soup replaces potassium since you lose a lot of potassium after taking alcohol due to frequent urination.

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