Kettlebell Workout Routines For Amazing Fitness In 20 Minutes A Day

By Chris Rivers

Kettlebell workout routines are increasing with popularity and for good reason. It is a workout that is extremely versatile with many benefits. Some of these benefits are, combined cardio and strength training Most kettlebell workouts are designed with explosive exercises designed to keep your heart rate up while at the same time increasing resistance.

Unlike a dumbbell, the weight of a kettlebell, or its center of mass, extends pass the hand. As a result, the use of multiple major and smaller muscles are required to stabilize the kettlebell while it is in motion. This difference in weight placement is a major advantage to a dumbbell routine which tends to target only one or two muscle groups at a time in slow repetitive motion.

Increased fat loss - While these workouts burn more calories while the workout is being performed, there are also extra benefits once the workout has stopped. Strength training increases muscles mass, which burns more calories than fat does, even when resting. Improved flexibility - the workouts help you develop high levels of muscular flexibility, joint stability and muscular strength which in turn increases mobility and range of motion.

As a result, the whole body is evenly strengthened including the core. Many workout injuries are prevented in this manner.

Another big benefit of a doing these workouts is that they are perfect for anyone who is pushed for time. Due to the nature of combining cardio, strength and flexibility training into the one workout, they are usually kept relatively short. K'bell workouts are also fun - no two workouts have to be same! You have the ability once you've done some research or got some advice to design your own workouts. This can help to keep you motivated and pushing towards your fitness goals.

Kettle bells are available from most sports stores and more gyms are starting to stock them as well. When choosing one ensure that it has a smooth handle as rough handles can do damage to the hands. Be sure to try out different weights to figure out what feels right for you. If you're looking for a challenging, fun workout that can be done in your lunch break, kettlebell workout routines are certainly worth a go.

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