Olive trees, also known as 'Olea europaea,' are one of the oldest and foremost vital fruit trees in history. Fruit tree culture has been closely connected to the increase and fall of Mediterranean empires, as well as different advanced civilizations throughout the ages.
Olive is liked by many gardeners as it is an evergreen tree and its fruit can be used to make oil and pickles. This tree can grow up to 50 ft. in height and can be 30 ft. wide. However, a height of 20 ft. can be maintained with periodic pruning. Its grayish silver foliage can give a very interesting look to landscapes and gardens. Olive trees can live up to 500 years.
Olive trees bear small, cream-colored flowers that have a sweet fragrance. The olive tree has two types of flowers, a normal flower that contains male as well as female parts, and a staminate flower that has only stamens. The olive fruit is initially greenish in color and later turns in to a blackish purple shade after becoming ripe. However, a few varieties remain green after ripening, while some varieties obtain a copper brown color after becoming ripe. The fruits vary significantly in terms of shape, flavor and the amount of oil contained. The trees require regular pruning to maintain the shape and size. Olive trees may also suffer damage due to certain pests such as the medfly and the Dacus oleae. It is recommended to avoid planting olive trees on contaminated soil. Pruning olive trees with contaminated tools during rainy seasons can result in a bacterial disease known as "olive knot."
Barouni Olive Tree: The Barouni fruit tree suits warm to cold climates. It was developed in Tunisia, Africa, and is the olive commonly used for curing olives at home. Analysis conducted has shown the Barouni Olive tree to be terribly hardy in cold temperatures, and still manufactures its giant, beautiful, green fruit. Trees are low growing and dense, terribly cold tolerant, I saw trees exposed to 13f last winter and that they didn't suffer any major harm.
Olive trees have been around for ages past, and will no doubt only increase in demand as time goes on. To read more facts about other interesting trees, check out the links below.
Olive is liked by many gardeners as it is an evergreen tree and its fruit can be used to make oil and pickles. This tree can grow up to 50 ft. in height and can be 30 ft. wide. However, a height of 20 ft. can be maintained with periodic pruning. Its grayish silver foliage can give a very interesting look to landscapes and gardens. Olive trees can live up to 500 years.
Olive trees bear small, cream-colored flowers that have a sweet fragrance. The olive tree has two types of flowers, a normal flower that contains male as well as female parts, and a staminate flower that has only stamens. The olive fruit is initially greenish in color and later turns in to a blackish purple shade after becoming ripe. However, a few varieties remain green after ripening, while some varieties obtain a copper brown color after becoming ripe. The fruits vary significantly in terms of shape, flavor and the amount of oil contained. The trees require regular pruning to maintain the shape and size. Olive trees may also suffer damage due to certain pests such as the medfly and the Dacus oleae. It is recommended to avoid planting olive trees on contaminated soil. Pruning olive trees with contaminated tools during rainy seasons can result in a bacterial disease known as "olive knot."
Barouni Olive Tree: The Barouni fruit tree suits warm to cold climates. It was developed in Tunisia, Africa, and is the olive commonly used for curing olives at home. Analysis conducted has shown the Barouni Olive tree to be terribly hardy in cold temperatures, and still manufactures its giant, beautiful, green fruit. Trees are low growing and dense, terribly cold tolerant, I saw trees exposed to 13f last winter and that they didn't suffer any major harm.
Olive trees have been around for ages past, and will no doubt only increase in demand as time goes on. To read more facts about other interesting trees, check out the links below.
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